Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The first of the Israel updates

We arrived last night but I can't find my computer charger so I'm typing on my roommates Harris's computer.  He seems like a good guy like all my roomies.  The people here are generally fantastic and I already love them.

Despite all the warnings about the OSRUI kids, they seem nice too.  Guess all is well at the start?  We'll see how it develops.  Staff seems really reasonable and I'm sort of a kiss ass but I suppose it's best to be on their good sides.

Nothing much to report so far really, just doing the same old in the New Old Land.

Don't worry Cra-Cra, I haven't broken any hearts yet and don't plan on it.

I do miss home, my friends, and my board, but once this show really gets on the road, well, we'll see.  Also, I want to leave here fluent (or close) in Hebrew.  That's going to take a lot of work.  If not, I want to work on it when I get home.  I need to crack this language.

I want to write more, but don't really know what to say.  Flying sucks, etc. etc. But that's all so minor.

We're in Israel.  We are Israel.  This is the way it should be.  Yofi.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I should edit this later.

[00:58] PoshyJoshyWashy: we were lying on the beach after a beautiful havdalah with all of our heads in a small circle next to each other
[00:59] PoshyJoshyWashy: just staring at the sky trying to have a serene moment
[00:59] thesunonthewater: aw cute
[00:59] PoshyJoshyWashy: but one of the board members would not stop laughing!
[00:59] PoshyJoshyWashy: like hysterically
[00:59] PoshyJoshyWashy: it was ridiculous
[00:59] thesunonthewater: haha which one
[00:59] PoshyJoshyWashy: and after about 10 minutes of "SHHH" there was this flashing light in the sky
[01:00] PoshyJoshyWashy: a light streak just soared by
[01:00] PoshyJoshyWashy: and we all freaked out
[01:00] PoshyJoshyWashy: started yelling and celebrating because a lot of us had never seen one before
[01:00] PoshyJoshyWashy: and after that it went quiet
[01:01] thesunonthewater: and that quiet was an i-thou?
[01:01] PoshyJoshyWashy: we sat in total, serene, perfect silence for about 12 minutes
[01:01] PoshyJoshyWashy: honestly, I think we connected more though the laughter, the silence was a nice time to recap that in my mind...there were just so many good moments
[01:02] PoshyJoshyWashy: I-thou is a stretch
[01:03] thesunonthewater: that's intense though
[01:03] thesunonthewater: please write about it
[01:03] thesunonthewater: you'll appreciate it someday
[01:03] PoshyJoshyWashy: blog it...
[01:03] PoshyJoshyWashy: I'll cut and apste what I wrote
[01:03] thesunonthewater: haha...or not
[01:03] PoshyJoshyWashy: I'm too tired to retype