Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Untold frustrations of self image, or confessions to a blank web page

It's weird you know, I face this mess of a life I've created everyday. Here is kind of an unedited, unabridged version of what I think about it:

Simply, I have made many mistakes in the past. Probably too many. I don't like to think of them as mistakes, I like the term "learning experiences' but that stupid euphemism just doesn't describe them. Things you learn from are soon forgotten, their lessons remembered; mistakes, on the other hand, stay with you. Sometimes not even mistakes. Sometimes it's just a shit-happens issue. For the life of me, I cannot decide which of the two is worse.

On second thought. It's late. I'm tired. If I have the energy, passion, or some incentive to write more about this tomorrow, maybe I can give me conscience some reprieve.