Sunday, October 28, 2007

Talking to God.

My friends are inspiring. So inspiring they help me articulate things that have been brewing in my mind for ages.

I wish this could be as good as the way I said it before but I know that will probably never come out the same again. Here goes.

When I pray I talk to God, what I say is another matter entirely:

Sometimes, I pray spontaneously for whatever seems appropriate at the time.

Sometimes, I sing psalms to God praising It.

Sometimes, I recite the testaments of my faith in God contained in the Sh'ma and it's blessings.

Sometimes, I address God as people would have addressed an ancient ruler saying the Amidah and and the prayers and requests contained therein.

Sometimes, I petition to God silently to myself, like after the Amidah, where I ask for courage, strength, and ability to accomplish all my goals and dreams.

Sometimes, I thank God for making me different and special like in the Aleinu and all other reasons to say that blessing.

Sometimes, I praise God as in the Kaddish and reflect on It's greatness.

Sometimes, I just ask God to help with the fixing of the world and all that goes into that.

But all times and always, I talk to God. Using whatever inflection I deem appropriate, I talk to God because I want that connection, that's why I pray.

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